The Seamless Integration of Event Registration: Where Efficiency Meets Simplicity with OurEvent.App

Event Management Software

The world of event management, characterized by its bustle and dynamism, constantly demands solutions that are effective and straightforward. Enter OurEvent.App – an embodiment of simplicity and functionality combined when it comes to event registration.

automated event registration

Event Registration Easy Setup Without the Tech Hassle

For most, the very thought of implementing a new system screams complexity and technical challenges; however, with OurEvent.App, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. You don’t need a team of tech gurus or spend hours on intricate setups. Here’s why:

Preflight Precision for Event Registration

The world of event management, characterized by its bustle and dynamism, constantly demands solutions that are effective and straightforward. Enter OurEvent.App – an embodiment of simplicity and functionality combined.

Ready-To-Go Connectivity for your Event

Say goodbye to relying on inconsistent venue Wi-Fi. Our solution comes with its ruggedized modem equipped with a pre-installed SIM card. Your task? Plug it in, attach the antennas, and you’re connected.

Effortless Final Touches

Positioning the equipment on the countertop is your final step. We provide test QR codes to ensure all runs smoothly, enabling you to run a few practice rounds with OurEvent.App, you get a system that works right out of the box.

Event Registration Dashboard Like No Other

OurEvent.App Dashboard

In the fast-paced realm of events, real-time data is gold. OurEvent.App’s dashboard serves this gold on a silver platter. With its intuitive graphical color chart, you can immediately discern the number of attendees registered versus those who’ve checked in. This isn’t just data; it’s insights delivered in real-time, ensuring your event strategy remains agile and informed.

No More "Badge Buddy"

One of the frequent concerns we’ve encountered in event management is attendees attempting to scan their QR or pin code more than once, trying to procure an extra badge for a friend or colleague. Our system is designed to outsmart such maneuvers. Once a QR or pin code is scanned, it’s marked and can’t be used to generate another badge. Should an attendee need to place their badge, a customer service representative will be on hand to assist with the reprinting. Simple, secure, and foolproof!

Alternative to Swoogo

Badge Customization: Your Event, Your Style

Alternative to Swoogo

Every event has its unique flavor, and badges should reflect that. OurEvent.App offers an array of badge designs to choose from. However, if you have a particular design or theme in mind, our platform can be tailored to customize badges according to your specifications. Your event’s identity shines through every step of the way.

Exhibitor App: A Revolution in Lead Generation

Our latest feature, crafted exceptionally for exhibitors, is a game-changer. Exhibitors can now use our specialized app to scan attendee QR codes, instantly obtaining their details. But that’s not all. Exhibitors can tailor specific questions, enabling them to delve deeper when interacting with a potential lead visiting their booth. All the gathered leads can be effortlessly exported into a CSV file, making post-event follow-ups a breeze.


In the grand tapestry of event management, every thread counts. Whether it’s ensuring smooth check-ins, offering real-time insights, or aiding exhibitors in their lead generation efforts, OurEvent.App stitches these threads together seamlessly. The result? An event experience that’s efficient, memorable, and, above all, simple. Join us in our mission to simplify events, one badge at a time.

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